

7月にビジョンサークル 202コースを開催いたします


ブレインジムインストラクターになるには下記のコース受講が必要です またコースにより、ケーススタディの提出 国際指導教官(日本担当メンター)による面談が義務付けられています 詳しくはNPO法人 日本教育キネシオロジー協会横浜のサイトをご覧下さい 長期間に渡り育成・研鑽を積む協会のシステムの中で、地に足着いたインスト ラクターを数多く輩出してます 各々の個性をベースとして活躍しているインストラクターの紹介ページは こちら《協会登録インストラクターの活動地域別照会》です お住まいのお近くのインストラクターの活動をぜひご利用くださいませ! ☆ブレインジム101 ☆ブレインジム101再受講 ☆OBO(201) ☆ビジョンサークル(220) ☆Edu−Kインデプス(301) ☆ブレインジムティーチャープラクティカム(401) *TFHレベル1&2 (国や協会、財団によって受講規定が異なることがあります) ダブルドゥードゥルプレイ)のインストラクターになるには? ブレインジム101インストラクター ダブルドゥードゥルプレイ(105) ダブルドゥードゥルプレイ再受講 ダブルドゥードゥルティーチャートレーニング(505) OBOのインストラクターになるには ブレインジムインストラクター OBO(201再受講 OBOティーチャートレーニング(552) ビジョンサークルのインストラクターになるには ブレインジムインストラクター ビジョンサークル(220)再受講 クリエイティブビジョン(360) ビジョンサークルティーチャートレーニング(551) インデプス(301)のインストラクターになるには コース設定はありません メンターの仕事に同行してトレーニングを受けその教育期間は未設定です インデプスの指導をするということは国内指導教官としての任務も果たす ということが前提となります 国内指導教官の任務を拒否すればインデプス指導資格は授与されません (日本式でいうところの親方について修行をする、あるいはカバン持ちを しながら現場で学んでいくということです その資格に見合うスキルが本当に身についているかどうか 対社会性、実行力、現実感覚のバランスなど 人間性も指導者として適格かどうかが問われるのかもしれません)

☆★☆≪Edu−kコース;100番台≫(仮置き中 )

101 - Brain Gym (BG) 24 Hours Experience whole brain integration through whole body movement. Learn twenty-six Brain Gym exercises, the Edu-K Balance process, and Dennison Laterality Repatterning. Discover a permanent tool for reaching personal goals. Applications for students, teachers, parents, artists, athletes, health care practitioners, and business professionals. (Course prices vary by instructor and location. Please contact sponsor for current price.) NOTE: If you can't locate a Brain Gym Class in your area, see 'instructors willing to travel' in the instructors menu.

102 - Dennison Whole Brain Learning Method (DWB) 16 Hours Discover the optimal learning environment, identify independent, instructional, and frustration learning levels, and find out how to foster a love of books. Experience the art of learning to read in an atmosphere of whole brain integration. Open to all.

103 - Physiological Basis of Edu-K (PBE) 16 Hours Provides the Science behind the learning process and offering reasons and effective, drug free practical solutions for hyperactivity, ADD, and other learning and behavioral difficulties. Open to all.

105 - Double Doodle Play: A Window to Whole-Brain Vision (DD) 8 Hours In this introductory course we will use the Double Doodle and other movements from Brain Gym and Vision GymR to explore and enhance visual perception and artistic expression. Participants will, through experience and discussion, gain a finer understanding of the relationship among visual skills, hand-eye coordination, and creative expression. Applications for parents, teachers and various age groups will be addressed. Open to all.

106 - Hands On - How to Use Brain Gym in the Classroom (HO) 16 Hours Using the new Hands On photo manual participants will gain experiential insight into using Brain Gym in the classroom and with their clients. The instructors will share their collective experience of almost 10 years of using the Brain Gym activities in a variety of learning situations. Open to all.

107 - The Playful Child (*P*) (PC) 24 Hours Open to all.

110 - Brain Gym for Educators (E) 32 Hours This course is specially designed for professional educators and covers the classroom application of brain research, the presentation of lesson plan design, and the connection between Brain Gym and self-esteem. Open to teachers, administrators, parents, counselors, and education support staff.

111 - Brain Gym for Teens and Pre-Teens (T) 24 Hours Open to all.

120 - Brain Gym for Movement, Dance and Sports (M) 32 Hours In this course, you will learn how to use Brain Gym to enhance movement, dance and athletic performance. Discover the connection of the brain and body to movement, and explore movement to improve dynamic visual acuity, hand-eye coordination, visual reaction time, and tracking skills. Integrate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic systems. Open to coaches, athletes, physical therapists, trainers, occupational therapists, teachers, parents and students.

170 - Brain Gym for Special Education Providers (SN) 32 Hours This course demonstrates Brain Gym along with special modifications to aid parents, teachers, and health professionals in their work with children and adults who have special needs. Excellent applications for a variety of mental and physical challenges, including: autism, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADD or ADHD), Angelman's Syndrome, speech impairment, brain injuries, blindness, deafness, and impairments caused by strokes. Open to all.

☆★☆≪Edu−kコース;200番台≫(仮置き中 )

201 - Optimal Brain Organization Profiles (OBO) 16 Hours Discover the concepts of hemispheric specialization, identification, and balancing to facilitate whole-brain learning. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

212 - Integration of Early Childhood Movement Development (IECD) 16 Hours Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

213 - Integration of Early Childhood Reflexes and Reactions (IECR) 16 Hours Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

214 - In Synch I - Integrating the Senses Through Movement (IS) 24 Hours This course offers an innovative technique to effectively and quickly integrate the far and near senses. Understand the important connection that movement and the senses have to learning. Experience how essential sensory integration is to optimal development. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

220 - Visioncircles (VC) 24 Hours A road map to the completion of developmental skills through movement, play, and art. Emphasis on vision enhancement. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

221 - Movement Exploration I (MEI) 32 Hours In this experiential course, participants explore the developmental sequence of movement from conception to the present. Students learn to integrate movement patterns and reflexes. This course provides a deeper understanding of the importance of integrated movement, the role of play in learning, and the connection of brain and body. Open to all who have taken Brain Gym 101.

222 - Backing Up to Move Forward (BMF) 24 Hours An exploration of how Brain Gym techniques can aid parents and professionals who work with people who have special needs. Review and continuation of Brain Gym 101S. Excellent applications for a variety of mental and physical challenges. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

223 - Movement Dynamics, Part One: Exploring Three Dimensions (MD) 8 Hours Experience the joy of movement expression through a deepening of the three Edu-K dimensions and balances for such goals as improved nonverbal communication. Learn playful Cross Crawl variations and new applications for this expanded Edu-K menu. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

224 - Movement Dynamics, Part Two: Flow Medleys (MD) 8 Hours Discover the pleasure of doing Brain Gym and Vision Gym to integrating music, in easy movement flows. Includes new balances for Dynamic Ergonomics and movement development. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101 and Movement Dynamics, Part One.

230 - Deep Understanding Balance (DUB) 16 Hours In this course, students learn a method to perceive, imagine, and logically explain solutions that are effective in achieving their goals. Based on an integration of Jean Piaget's model of intelligence and the Dennisons' Brain Gym, four balances are taught to address physical, conceptual, emotional and social understanding goals. Participants experience the joy and wonder in discovering a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

240 - The Balance and Power of Resonance (BPR) 16 Hours Optimize your authenticity and creativity while learning the effects of play, resonance/sound and music on the heart and brain. Brain Gym and associated movement/sound activities are used to facilitate full sensory and language development, healthy emotions, life-long learning and joy in all aspects of life. Open to all students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

250 - Professional Principles and Practice of Edu-K (*P*) (PPP) 88 Hours Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

265 - Learning and Gravity (LG) 16 Hours This 16 hour workshop will wake up and expand your ability to think more clearly, coordinate your brain and body together, improve your memory, improve your ability to focus, and concentrate, and most of all, release physical, mental and emotional stress in your life. In this workshop we will explore how our senses are related to our vestibular system and how this effects learning. You will learn how Brain Gym and the Balance Board work together to enhance the Brain Gym activities as well as learning new balance board and educational games. Discover how to achieve your potential with simple and effective tools that are fun and rewarding. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

☆★☆≪Edu−kコース;300番台≫(仮置き中 )

301 - Edu-K In Depth: Seven Dimensions of Intelligence (EID) 32 Hours Hands-on experience with seven dimensions of body movement, focusing on how each can support or block the learning process. Students learn to permanently integrate the principles of whole brain learning into their own processes. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym. Prerequisite for Brain Gym instructor licensure.

310 - Physiological Basis of Edu-K In Depth (PBEID) 16 Hours An in-depth exploration of how Edu-K In Depth affects the body's physiology, especially the nervous system. Prepares participants to easily the nervous system. Prepares participants to easily and intelligently answer theoretical questions for themselves and their clients. Current research on movement and whole-brain learning. Open to all who have taken Edu-K In Depth.

311 - Total Core Repatterning (TCR) 24 Hours Focuses on the recognition of primitive homolateral reflexes that become integrated by repatterning. Training in the latest techniques for integrating primitive reflexes which interfere with learning and mature motor control. These tools are useful for helping all individuals, regardless of neurological or physiological limitations. Open to students who have taken Edu-K In Depth.

321 - Movement Exploration II (MEII) 40 Hours In this course we will explore the metaphor and movement capabilities of power, agility, flexibility, coordination, and more, using processes from the course Educational Kinesiology In Depth: Seven Dimensions of Intelligence. We will expand the Focus Dimension and deepen the Centering Dimension by balancing to improve, teamwork, confidence and movement. Prerequisite: Movement Exploration I and the Edu-K In-Depth.

335 - Peaceful Power of One: Resources for Resolution (PO) 24 Hours This course provides skills and practice in resolving conflict whether the conflict is within the self between individuals or between the indivudual and a "group". Explore the educational model one's own code of ethics and an invitation to "begin where you are" "travel as equals" and "create something new". Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

340 - Five Elements and Goal Wheel: Level One (FEGW) 24 Hours Experience and learn more about the 5 Element Theory and its application to movement in the lives of individuals and organizations. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

345 - Integration of Dynamic and Postural Reflexes into the Whole Body Movement System (IDPR) 32 Hours A four-day course exploring dynamic and postural reflexes and how they influence development and learning. Provides an explanation of reflexes according to the three dimensions of Laterality Centering and Focus. Participants learn techniques for checking reflex integration and simple joyful movements for integrating them into the whole body movement system. Open to students who have taken Edu-K In Depth.

346 - My Inner Child (*P*) (MIC) 32 Hours A four-day course exploring dynamic and postural reflexes and how they influence development and learning. Provides an explanation of reflexes according to the three dimensions of Laterality Centering and Focus. Participants learn techniques for checking reflex integration and simple joyful movements for integrating them into the whole body movement system. Open to students who have taken Edu-K In Depth.

350 - Movement Re-education (MRE) 24 Hours This three-day workshop with Dr. Paul and Gail Dennison focuses specifically on the Structure Realm in the Edu-K process. This experience is an opportunity for exploration, review, and hands-on-practice of muscle lengthening techniques. Participants learn the relationship of emotions, vision, and posture to brain integration. Included are the latest releases and activations which help to complete postural and structural changes. Open to students who have taken Edu-K In Depth.

360 - Creative Vision (CV) 24 Hours This workshop presents both an objective and subjective exploration of the learner's visual capacity. Participants will gain new understanding of vision and movement and how they relate to learning reading and other life skills. Prerequisite: Edu-K In Depth required and Visioncircles is recommended.

370 - Integration of our Senses (IS) 18 Hours Open to students who have taken the Edu-K In Depth.

371 - Integration of Reflexes and Reactions (IRR) 16 Hours Open to students who have taken the Edu-K In Depth.

372 - Integration of Birth and Change (IBC) 24 Hours Birth is one of the most dangerous--and exciting--journeys we experience in life. It is change of the first order! In this class, you will notice the birth-instilled patterns that can block your path, and balance to move forward in confidence with new skills for change. Open to students who have taken the Edu-K In Depth.

373 - Integration of Speech and Hand Dexterity (ISD) 24 Hours Open to students who have taken the Edu-K In Depth.

390 - Business in Balance Intensive: Creating and Maintaining a Wealth-Healthy Business (P) (BB) 36 Hours Are you ready to focus your intent, flex those entrepreneurial muscles and step forward as a successful business owner? Learn what's involved in owning a thriving business as you lay the foundation for your own enterprise. The four-day Business in Balance Intensive is followed by three months of mentoring while you cultivate your business. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101.

391 - Business in Balance Dream Forum (P) (BBD) 9 Hours The 4-day Business in Balance Intensive is followed by 6 months of mentoring while you cultivate your business. You'll meet regularly with your Power Partners and monthly as a group for in-depth information, inspiration and celebration. Prerequsite: Business in Balance Intensive.

☆★☆≪Edu−kコース;400番台≫(仮置き中 )

401 - Brain Gym Teacher Practicum (P) 32 Hours Designed for those who wish to develop and successfully teach Brain Gym in a class or private format. Provides instruction in theory, teaching methods, and procedures, and development of an action plan for achieving professional goals. Open to students who have taken Brain Gym 101 twice, 24 hours of Level 1 electives, Optimal Brain Organization, 40 hours of Level 2 electives, Edu-K In Depth, 32 hours of Level 3 electives, and have completed required case studies and balances.

410 - Language of Movement (LOM) 24 Hours Deepen your knowledge of the Edu-K advanced balancing process and enhance your skills in this three-day course. An in-depth study of movements and postures as they pertain to learning abilities and brain function will be offered. New techniques for deeper relaxation and increased muscle integration will be explored, along with ways to increase vitality and body efficiency. Prerequisite: Brain Gym Teacher Practicum.

420 - Giving Back: Mentoring Program (GB) 16 Hours Our elders have so much life experience and understanding to offer. Learn to tap this vast resource to the benefit of our other greatest asset our children. Discover how to set up a successful intergenerational program in your community. You will come away from this course knowing how to train elders and bring them into the schools to 'give back' their wisdom to the children. Recruiting training collaborating evaluating with standardized tests and funding are some of the many topics covered. All facets of setting up the program will be discussed processed role-played and balanced until you have all the information in your mind and body. Course includes a new full-color training manual. See us in action at www.givingbackmentoring.org. Prerequisite: Brain Gym Teacher Practicum plus being currently licensed.

470 - Master at Work (MW) 8 Hours An opportunity to spend time with the Master of the Craft of Edu-K. This is a one-day version of the Master In Depth course. Dr. Dennison shares his expertise by demonstrating the Edu-K material first hand. Prerequisite: Brain Gym Teacher Practicum plus being currently licensed.

471 - Master in Depth (MID) 16 Hours Throughout history, major steps in the understanding of disciplines -- such as art, music,and medicine--have been achieved by first learning the information and then later spending time with the master of the craft. This quantum leap in understanding is now available to Educational Kinesiology Instructor/Consultants. In this individually tailored course, Dr. Dennison shares his expertise by demonstrating the Edu-K In Depth material first-hand. Prerequisite: Brain Gym Teacher Practicum plus being currently licensed.

☆★☆≪Edu−kコース;500番台≫(仮置き中 )

501 - Brain Gym Teacher Practicum UPDATE (PD) 16 Hours The two-day Teacher Practicum Update class is an option for alternate relicensure for Brain Gym Instructors.

505 - Double Doodle Play: A Window to Whole-Brain Vision Teacher's Training (DDTT) 16 Hours This teacher's training course supports Brain Gym Instructors in learning to facilitate Double Doodle Play: A Window to Whole-Brain Vision. This basic, experiential approach to playful art uses the Dooble Doodle activity from Brain Gym in mixed-media projects to explore visual skills and hand-eye coordination for sustained attention in the midfield. The homeplay for this course is to complete and submit to the instructor a Double Doodle Play portfolio. Course manual included. Prerequesities: Brain Gym Teacher Practicum, Visioncircles and Double Doodle Play twice plus being currently licensed.

523 - The Movement Dynamics Teacher Training (MDTT) 16 Hours Participants gain the practical experience needed to teach Movement Dynamics 223 MD and 224 MD (Part One: Exploring Three Dimensions 8 hours and Part Two: A Flow Medley 8 hours). Discover ways to use the Movement Dynamics flows and balances in individual, educational, and professional settings. The Movement Dynamics Teacher's Handbook c2005 is included. Open to licensed Brain Gym Instructors who have completed Visioncircles and twice completed the Movement Dynamics Parts One and Two. Special repeaters fee.

551 - Visioncircles Teacher Training (VCTT) 32 Hours Participants experience the ways vision is expanded and enlarged by the other senses, and learn how to facilitate sensory awareness and perceptual skills in others. This class is a requirement for licensure as a Visioncircles Instructor. Prerequisite: Visioncircles twice, Brain Gym Teacher Practicum, and Creative Vision, plus being currently licensed.

552 - Optimal Brain Organization Teacher Training (OBOTT) 24 Hours Formerly an eight hour training as part of the Language of Movement course, Optimal Brain Organization Teacher Training is now a 24 hour workshop to empower, explicate and clarify the unique Brain Organization work of Dr. Paul Dennison and Gail Dennison, and includes the revised 2000 edition of the Brain Organization Profiles course which replaces all past editions. All instructors must attend this training to teach this new course. Prerequisite is taking Optimal Brain Organization twice and the Brain Gym Practicum, plus being currently licensed.

☆★☆≪Edu−kコース;スペシャルイントラストコース≫(仮置き中 )

10 - Switched-On GolfR (SOG) 8 Hours This eight-hour course combines the skills and inner discipline of golf with Educational Kinesiology balances and movements. Learn the buddy system and self-referral processes, Brain Gym activities and the soft skills of golf. The integrated golfer moves from "try" to "natural" for a whole new golf experience. Open to all.

20 - Switched-On Selling (SOS) 8 Hours This 8 hr course teaches a sales training system unlike anything you've ever experienced bringing a dramatically higher level of success. The Switched-On Selling? Seminar is an exciting new concept for improving sales. It is different, unique, and geared for everyone from the beginning sales person to those who have achieved a high level of success and would like to move to the top of their profession. The Switched-On-Selling? Seminar does not include a single sales technique during the entire day. Instead Brain Gym activities are applied to the sales process. As Master Sales Trainer William T. Brooks discovered, "this one-day seminar will eliminate your personal barriers to being a more successful salesperson." Accredited by the National Association of Sales Professionals. Open to all.

21 - Switched-On Selling Instructor Training & Certification (SOSI) 24 Hours Become certified to teach the "Switched on Selling" course (see above) and improve your own sales performance as well. Accredited by the National Association of Sales Professionals, this course is open to all.

30 - Switched-On Management (SOM) 11 Hours The Switched-On Management? Seminar is a management development program for individuals who are responsible for managing others in order to create a more effective and dynamic organization. The seminar provides a method for personal re-engineering which enables managers to adapt quickly and successfully to the changing work environment. This semianr will result strengthening existing management skills and add to these skills with surprising ease and increased levels of confidence. Open to all.

31 - Switched-On Mangement Instructor Training & Certification (SOMI) 24 Hours Become a certified "Switched-On Management" instructor (see above) while upgrading your own business management skills so that what was once difficult becomes easy to do. Open to all.

40 - Switched-On Network Marketing (SON) 8 Hours This exciting workshop enables participants to achieve dramatic improvements in sales performance using Brain Gym techniques to switch on for whatever they're selling.

41 - Switched-On-Network Marketing Instructor Training & Certification (SONI) 24 Hours Become a "Switched-On-Network Marketing" Instructor (see above). Learn to use Brain Gym techniques to enable others - and yourself - to achieve dramatic improvements in your Network Marketing performance. Accredited by the National Association of Sales Professionals. Open to all. 2009年インデプス開催に際しての覚書
NPO法人 日本教育キネシオロジー協会横浜主催 海外インターナショナルファカルティ(国際指導教官)講師によるコース
IN DEPTH インデプス (知性の7次元)
会場 千葉県内
2月18日(水) 13時00分〜19時(受付11時30分より) 2月19日(木) 9時00分〜21時 2月20日(金) 9時00分〜21時 2月21日(土) 9時00分〜21時 2月22日(日) 9時00分〜13時 以上のように長時間に渡るコースです
この授業時間でも足りないことが多々あり、またそのためにインストラクターとなることを 断念されてしまう方もいらっしゃいます
このプログラムの【時間配分】は日本を担当するインターナショナルファカルティ (国際教官)の指導と招聘するNPO日本教育キネシオロジー協会の理事の理念によるものです
NPO法人として非営利で、しかも自らも受講料を支払い参加する 理事の面々のその姿勢や


しかも身銭をきって海外から講師を招聘しNPOとして さらなる普及を目指してきたのか・・・ そしてその活動の信頼性から”現場に活かしたい”と医療・福祉・教育等の関係者の方々の受講が増え続けてます





これまで多種多様なスキルの中からご相談者様個々人に沿った プログラムを組んで参りましたが
検査で以上の認められなかった方の深い症状の変化についても 報告が寄せられています *インデプス受講には、ブレインジム101、ビジョンサークル、OBO、TFH1&2の事前受講が必要です